
Snl cast member crack addiction
Snl cast member crack addiction

snl cast member crack addiction

Something about the sizing or the letter spacing of the logo looks a bit different tonight too. The SNL logo looks to be in a more orange-red color compared to season 7’s plain-red logo. After being replaced in season 7, beloved original announcer Don Pardo is back! It feels so refreshing hearing his voice again after I’ve gotten so used to Mel Brandt’s season 7 announcing. It’s the same opening montage from the previous season, but right off the bat, there’s a noticeable difference, as the opening shot of a woman lighting her cigarette with a conventional lighter has been replaced with an awesome-looking shot of a construction worker lighting his cigarette with a torch. And who better to deliver the re-introduction of LFNY than the guy who delivered it in SNL’s first episode ever? We get the return of “Live from New York…” for the first time since season 6! Very nice to hear it again. Nice ending with the crew members inducing a trademark Chevy pratfall by tipping his TV monitor over. And besides, SNL was known for doing unconventional gimmicks throughout the Ebersol era. I doubt they would’ve been able to get this whole “via satellite” thing prepared on time if it were done on such short notice like we’re led to believe. Has it ever been confirmed whether this whole “missed flight” thing was genuine or just a gimmick? My theory is it’s a gimmick. Chevy eventually explains that, due to a missed flight, he’s not in New York but in Burbank, as SNL’s first bi-coastal video host. Interesting slow reveal that Chevy is actually being displayed on a TV monitor on SNL’s (new) home base stage. I’m surprised we just got a simple “I”m Chevy Chase” introduction, with no “and you’re not” added after it.

#Snl cast member crack addiction update

I like how this opened on Chevy doing his trademark “raunchy phone conversation” opening gag, though I swear the “beads” conversation he’s doing in this sketch was already used in a Weekend Update of his from the first two seasons. Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 starsĬHC explains why he’ll do the show via satellite from Burbank

Snl cast member crack addiction